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Divorce, Family Law and Criminal Law

Alimony and Spousal Support in SC

Divorce Alimony Check

Alimony or spousal support payments can lead to strong disagreements during a divorce and even afterward. What is alimony? The court orders payments from one person to another during the process of divorce or after the divorce has been finalized. In South Carolina, a judge determines the amount of financial support payments instead of using a standard formula like in some states. Judges consider more than a dozen factors to determine whether one party should receive spousal support and the amount that should be awarded.

There are essentially three types of alimony cases that you may need a lawyer to help you with:

  1. Reaching an agreement during a divorce case
  2. Modification of the agreement due to a change in circumstances (yours or your former spouse’s)
  3. Enforcement of the agreement to make sure you receive the money
National Academy of Family Law Attorneys

Nathan Sheldon is an experienced family law attorney in Rock Hill who represents clients during the alimony process and will guide them through it. In 2015, The National Academy of Family Law Attorneys named him one of the “Top 10 Family Law Attorneys under 40 in South Carolina”. If you need legal advice in York County or surrounding areas, call today for a consultation.

Divorce Alimony

There are four types of alimony that can be awarded or agreed upon during a divorce.

  1. Periodic – This is the standard type of regular payments most people identify with receiving alimony.
  2. Lump Sum – A single payment or multiple payments over a short period of time.
  3. Rehabilitation – Intended to help a non-working spouse get back to work. This is awarded only in special circumstances.
  4. Reimbursement – To reimburse the other spouse for things like paying for the other spouses advanced college degree.

If you are facing divorce, Nathan Sheldon can help with the entire divorce process.


Changes in taxable income, living arrangements and other circumstances could lead a family court judge to reconsider alimony amounts. Only periodic (permanent) and rehabilitation can be modified after a divorce is final. If you are involved in either side of an attempt to modify alimony, you may need the help of an attorney.

Call 803-504-3411 now to schedule your consultation.


Nathan Sheldon helps ex-spouses not receiving alimony payments or the correct amount. With legal help, enforcement measures available through Family Court. Failure to pay the court ordered amount on time can result in contempt of court or other court actions.

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